The Vermont Political Awareness Committee (VTPAC) was created in 1996 at the request of the VSEA membership who recognized the importance of making our collective power known to politicians.
Throughout our history, union members have fought hard to have the right to participate in the political process to improve our working lives and protect critical benefits such as pension plans, health care benefits, workers’ compensation from being dismantled by anti-union politicians and their corporate allies. As working men and women, we have the right to have our concerns and issues addressed in the halls of the Vermont State House and our United States Congress.
VTPAC, is the political entity of the VSEA; yet it is structured separately from VSEA to ensure that members’ dues monies are not utilized for political action. Joining VTPAC is an option for VSEA members, as is making ongoing contributions to VTPAC or participating in VTPAC activities. VTPAC funds support union-endorsed candidates and other political activities and contributions are voluntarily submitted by members. An optional, separate payroll deduction and account exist specifically for this purpose. Union members’ dues are not used in financial support of candidates endorsed by VTPAC.